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You Don't Know What You Don't Know

Truth is TRUTH. It can be found in many places. This is one of the beliefs of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Please don't scroll on if you aren't a member. We can ALL benefit from this thinking. If people of faith realize this, we can be a greater source of good in our world. (This excerpt if from an article from a member on the church's website.)

"God gives truth to all His children and that they have truth to share with us (see 2 Nephi 29:7–13). In our church we talk about having a 'fulness of the gospel'. But that doesn’t mean we know everything, and we’re not the only ones with answers. Elder Neal A. Maxwell (1926–2004) of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles put it beautifully: “[Jesus Christ] lives today, mercifully granting unto all nations as much light as they can bear and messengers of their own to teach them. (See Alma 29:8.)

And it’s not just religious truth that God gives to His children. As President Russell M. Nelson explained, 'Whether truth emerges from a scientific laboratory or through revelation, all truth emanates from God. All truth is part of the gospel of Jesus Christ.'

I’ve seen that light and truth in so many books and people and places—while looking at books on art, visiting mosques, hearing speeches from scientists, volunteering with agnostics. They’ve all had truth to teach me—how to treat others better, to be kinder in my assumptions; in other words, they’ve taught me ways to follow Jesus Christ. But I had to be there—even if it was unfamiliar—and I had to listen.

Whether it’s about religion or politics or lifestyle, our world is loud, and we’re frequently bombarded by messages from people who are sure they’re right and can’t be convinced otherwise. Sometimes we’re that person. Elder Quentin L. Cook of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles said, “The widespread deterioration of civil discourse is … a concern. The eternal principle of agency requires that we respect many choices with which we do not agree.'"

Written by: Lori Fuller Sosa



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