As we speak of gathering Israel, the question comes to mind, How can we gather others if we don’t know to whom, or where we are gathering?
Gathering Israel unto Christ starts with ourselves. It begins with a desire, a desire to understand who we are, and whose we are. As we begin to understand that we are children of God, that he sent His son for us, we also learn that he has asked us to return to him and to GATHER unto him.
One of those things that he requires of us is to be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for a remission of sins, in preparation of receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost.
In Mosiah 18:8-11, Alma helps us understand the covenant we make at baptism:
In it he tells us to “bear one another's burdens, that they may be light, mourn with those that mourn, comfort those in need of comfort and stand as a witness of God at all times until the end of our lives that we may have eternal life. He tells us to be baptized, serve him and keep his commandments and if we do, we will receive his Spirit more abundantly.
It is imperative that we live the gospel, that we teach the gospel, that we become who our Heavenly Father knows we can become. We need to live everyday seeking to grow closer to him and as we do so we can be a light to those in darkness. As we do so we are playing an active role in the gathering of Israel.
We are surrounded by opportunities to gather Israel on a regular basis, probably more often than we realize. It is important that we seek the Lord’s help in recognizing those opportunities and then have the courage to act, and trust that the Lord will guide us. Those interactions need be nothing more than natural, they don’t have to be forced, just be who you are, the light of Christ will shine through you if you are following the commandments and example of the lord.
My invitation to you is to seek by the spirit what you might be able to do in your life and in your circumstance to help gather his people, and that you might have the strength and courage to follow the promptings of the spirit as the Lord puts those opportunities in your path to gather Israel.
Brother David Harmon, High Counselor