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  • Friends of Redding Stake

Spiritual Reflexes

A number of years ago, my wife and I were visiting her family for the holidays. One evening, we found ourselves in the basement, playing games and watching movies. My then-12 year old brother in law was rough-housing with our then-three year old nephew. As 12 year old boys often tend to do when rough-housing, my young brother in law was getting a little carried away. While playfully wrestling with each other, he ended up heaving our nephew forward, sending him through the wooden cabinet door that covered the television set. Without hesitation, my 12 year old brother in law dropped to his knees in prayer, pleading for his little nephew to be okay (and possibly that the cabinet door would be fixed when he opened his eyes).

His response was so immediate, that it could be described as being a spiritual reflex, with his first reaction when faced with fear during an emergency being to turn to his Heavenly Father in prayer.

We all have our own spiritual emergencies that we are faced with on a regular basis. Fear, anxiety, depression, and anger. Difficulty in school. Dealing with bullies. Dealing with difficult coworkers. Loss of a job. Loss of faith. Loss of a loved one. When we are faced with these incredible challenges, what is our first reaction? What spiritual reflexes have we developed?

It can be very easy to succumb to despair as an initial response during times of trouble. Our loving Father in Heaven doesn’t want us to live in fear, anger, or sadness. “God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.” (2 Timothy 1:7). So how do we develop these spiritual reflexes, to aid us in certain times of need?

My young nephew had certainly learned some of the lessons that he had been taught in the home and at church. He had practiced and developed these spiritual reflexes years earlier, well before his time of worry and fear arrived.

I’m grateful for the example of a young, humble, and faith-filled 12 year old brother in law, teaching me how to quickly turn to our Heavenly Father for comfort and guidance in time of need.

-President Erick Goss



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