The Sower at Sunset, Vincent Van Gogh
One of the parables that I enjoy is the Parable of the Sower as found in the New Testament (Matthew 13:1-23). It reminds me that the Sower prepares our hearts to “Hear Him”. It is readily apparent that the Lord is preparing our hearts consistently and regularly. This fact is evident as the world is stretched in ways that it may not have been stretched before.
How do we prepare our hearts (or soil) as the parable recommends? In the scriptures we are taught that “all things unto me are spiritual. . .” (D&C 29:34). I love the perspective that this brings to my life. The invitation is to be spiritually minded. When we view life’s decisions through a spiritual lens we feel things like love, peace, comfort, and joy. When we view life through the world’s lens, we often feel confused, disoriented and hopeless.
Prophets of old felt similar feelings as these. Nephi declared “I know that he loveth his children; nevertheless, I do not know the meaning of all things” (1 Nephi 11:17). One of my greatest desires is that we each know that God loves us. We may not understand the meaning of all things, but we can feel that our actions are preparing us to feel close to Him.
Dan Mehr, Stake President